Sunday, September 13, 2009

FYI: Chopra makes connection at Chico State

Chopra makes connection at Chico State
Posted: 09/13/2009 12:11:36 AM PDT

Deepak Chopra, the author of more than 50 books, many about alternative medicine, spoke at Laxson Auditorium at Chico State University Saturday night about perceived reality, the soul, how man is one with the universe, and the keys to happiness.

The program for his appearance stated that the message of his talk was that "your highest vision of yourself can be turned into physical reality."

Chopra told the audience that as a physician, he studied brain chemistry.

Doctors often call themselves practitioners, he said, and not healers. During his early years, working in the emergency room on the East Coast, "I became a superb technician, but I knew nothing about the soul. I knew nothing about healing."

Any doctor knows that there can be two patients, with the exact same disease, and the exact same treatment, and there can be two completely different outcomes, he said.

"Our mind and our body are not separate things."

Each person is constantly in the process of rebuilding himself, he went into detail to describe.

"Your physical bodies are not the same bodies you came in with when you entered this room," Chopra said.

Every breath brings new atoms to the body. As we breathe out, parts of our bodies are exhaled.

"This is not a metaphor, this is a fact," he continued.

As each person in a room breathes, they begin to share parts of their body with each other.

"We are recycling all the elements," he said.

In less than a year, each person will replace 98 percent of the atoms in their body. In six weeks, our bodies have replaced the atoms in our livers.

Even our skeletons are recycled within three months, he continued.

From the last time Chopra gave a talk in Chico, "I brought the same suitcase, but not the same body," he said. The physical body with which he appeared before is now dead, he said. But while the body is regenerated, our consciousness continues to live.

"Our physical bodies are the place our memories call home for the time being. Bodies are not structures, they are processes," he said, which recycle air, water and nutrients — and that process continues on through the universe, in plants, the earth and space. We breathe because there are trees, and vice versa, he said.


"We are members of a single body we call the universe."

Scientists continue to make new discoveries about the workings of the brain and of the body.

Yet, with scientific discoveries, of which Chopra talked in detail, the "mystery of science is our own consciousness."

With diseases, such as diabetes and cancer-causing inflammation, research has show that exercise, meditation and emotional well-being can alleviate them.

But science has not bothered to ask the question, "Is there a soul?" he said.

"Do you have a core consciousness? Are you responsible for your thoughts and your body?"

Scientists have not been able to pinpoint "the choice-maker" or the "interpreter" in the brain or in the body. They have not looked for the soul, he said.

As a shift in stress levels, due to exercise and meditation, can lower risk of disease, a shift in consciousness is possible in other ways, he continued.

Chopra showed several slides that demonstrated the Gestalt Effect. A picture might appear at first to be that of an old woman. But when you look at it a different way, it becomes a drawing of a young woman. A drawing of a skull, when viewed from a different perspective, is a woman looking in a mirror surrounded by perfume.

That "shift in consciousness," and choosing to shift the way the drawing is viewed, are "quantum leaps in consciousness," he said. "The point is, the physical world is a projection of our consciousness."

"Now it is our choice in consciousness — which ones will you choose?"

He said very simple practices can allow one to reach a state of balance.

Near the end of the program, Chopra spelled out his "prescription for happiness."

# Be aware of your body

# Find true self-esteem

# Detoxify your life

# Give up on being right

# Focus on the present

# See the world in yourself

# Live for enlightenment.

Staff writer Heather Hacking can be reached at 896-7758 or .

Deepak Chopra (right) mingles with Enloe Medical Center board chair Matthews Jackson Sr. (left) and others during a reception at Chico State University's Trinity Hall Saturday, prior to his speech later that evening.(Jason Halley/Staff Photo)
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Peter S. Lopez ~aka ~Peta-de-Aztlan~
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
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