Sunday, October 07, 2007

Response: U.S. Military Killed in Action In Iraq: 10/6/07

10-7-07 @9:00 AM ~ Gracias Maia & George Elfie Ballis ~
I changed the Subject of your original Email to make it more subject relevant. If I had not seen it was from you I would of thought it was a Viagra spam email!

I have lost all faith in the U.S. Congress and will not waste my precious time calling or faxing either fascist fiends or corrupt fools. Keep in mind that all U.S. soldiers 'over there' fighting in an unjust war in Iraq should objectively be seen as paid foreign mercenaries, that is, paid officially sanctioned armed mercenary soldiers, plainly, paid killers! Is that clear enough?

I do not give a damn how many them die foolish deaths since they put themselves there because of their personal decision to enlist nor do I care an inch whether they have a Spanish surname or not. The Iraq War, or what I term the Iraq-nam War, is dead wrong, period! Anyone who willfully participates in its perpetuation is wrong, endorsing evildoing, will suffer the logical consequences of their own dumb decisions and automatically inherits their own bad karma.

Amerikan patriotism is a form of blatant perversion! How can we really oppose a war yet support the soldiers over there fighting it? We will deal with the surviving casualties, crippled soldiers and PTSD patients strictly on a humanitarian basis. After they get their lame dumb asses back we should help them so they do not become another generation of criminally neglected vets like those of the Vietnam Era, but always keep in mind in your angled analyses that Amerikan soldiers 'over there' in Iraq volunteered and were not drafted.

I am not a pacifist since I know ethically right from wrong and do not hold a blanket opposition to all wars. There are times in history when a wronged people must fight back with every weapon at their disposal, must consider collateral damage and they must not allow themselves to just get ICEd!

Hell, I fight spiritual warfare on a daily basis already at Sally's homeless shelter and sometimes it even gets physical. There are necessary just wars and unnecessary unjust wars. Where is your humane compassion for the deaths of Iraqis people!?!

Saturday 6 October: 11 dead

Baghdad: mortars kill 1, Madaen; 5 bodies.
Kirkuk: car bomb kills civilian; gunmen kill policeman, west of Kirkuk.
Mahaweel: gunmen kill policeman.
Iskandariya: beheaded body found.
Mussayab: young student's body found, bound and tortured.
Related Link:

Recall: Guardian Article by Sarah Boseley, Health Editor 10-11-07

'655,000 Iraqis killed since invasion'
The aftermath of a Baghdad bomb attack - a study published in the Lancet estimates that 655,000 Iraqis have died as a result of the war. Photograph: Getty Images
The death toll among Iraqis as a result of the US-led invasion has now reached an estimated 655,000, a study in the Lancet medical journal reports today.
The figure for the number of deaths attributable to the conflict - which amounts to around 2.5% of the population - is at odds with figures cited by the US and UK governments and will cause a storm, but the Lancet says the work, from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, has been examined and validated by four separate independent experts who all urged publication…
"Although such death rates might be common in times of war, the combination of a long duration and tens of millions of people affected has made this the deadliest international conflict of the 21st century and should be of grave concern to everyone," write the authors, Gilbert Burnham and colleagues.
"At the conclusion of our 2004 study we urged that an independent body assess the excess mortality that we saw in Iraq. This has not happened. We continue to believe that an independent international body to monitor compliance with the Geneva conventions and other humanitarian standards in conflict is urgently needed. With reliable data, those voices that speak out for civilians trapped in conflict might be able to lessen the tragic human cost of future wars."
The epidemiological research was carried out on the ground by teams of doctors moving from house to house, questioning families and examining death certificates. Between May and July this year, they visited 1,849 households in 47 separated clusters across the length and breadth of Iraq. The doctors asked about deaths among members of the household in a period before the invasion, from January 2002 to March 2003, and about deaths since. In 92% of cases, they were shown death certificates confirming the cause.
A total of 629 deaths were reported, of which 547 - or 87% - occurred after the invasion. The mortality rate before the war was 5.5 per 1,000, but since the invasion, it has risen to 13.3 per 1,000 per year, they say. Between June 2005 and June 2006, the mortality rate hit a high of 19.8 per 1,000.
Thus they calculate that 654,965 Iraqis have died as a consequence of the invasion. It is an estimate and the mid-point, and most likely of a range of numbers that could also be correct in the context of their statistical analysis. But even the lowest number in the range - 392,979 - is higher that anyone else has suggested. Of the deaths, 31% were ascribed to the US-led forces. Most deaths were from gunshot wounds (56%), with a further 13% from car bomb injuries and 14% the result of other explosions… Health is now the most important foreign policy issue of our time…"
Combat the Fascist Bush Regime!
Peter S. Lopez
Network-Aztlan News Reporter
Sacramento, California, Aztlan

Re: [NetworkAztlan_News] It is never too late
SunMt <> wrote:
U.S. Military Killed in Action In Iraq: 10/6/07: 1
Current Total: 3,836
Current total of Iraqis: 1,700,000
Wounded 9/27/07 to10/3/07: 84
Wounded Total (to 9/12/07): 28,093

Killed in Action, September 2007: 66
Wounded, August 2007 Total: 725
And remember: 9-11 was an inside job:

SPC Rachel L. Hugo, 24, U.S. Army, Madison, Wisconsin (hostile fire--IED, small arms fire)
SPC Avealalo Milo, 23, U.S. Army, Hayward, California (hostile fire--small arms fire)
1ST LT Noah Harris, 23, U.S. Army, Ellijay, Georgia (hostile fire--RPG attack)
MSG Robert M. Horrigan, 40, U.S. Army, Austin, Texas (hostile fire)
MSG Michael L. McNulty, 36, U.S. Army, Knoxville, Tennessee (hostile fire)
CAPT. John W. Maloney, 36, U.S. Marine Corps, Chicopee, MA (hostile fire--IED attack)
LANCE CPL Eric R. Heidt, 26,, U.S. Marine Corps, Hermann, Missouri (hostile fire--IED attack)
SPC Anthony S. Cometa, 21, U.S. Army, Las Vegas, Nevada (non-hostile-vehicle accident)
PETTY OFFICER 2ND CLASS Cesar O. Baez, 37, U.S.N.,, Pomona, CA (hostile fire--small arns fire))
LANCE CPL Chad B. Maynard, 19, U.S. Marine Corps, Montrose, CO (hostile fire--IED attack)
LANCE CPL Dion M. Whitley, 21, U.S. Marine Corps, Los Angeles, CA (hostile fire-IED attack)
CPL Tyler S. Trovillion, 23, U.S. Marine Corps, Richardson, Texas ( hostile fire-IED attack)
CPL Jesse Jaime, 22, U.S. Marine Corps, Henderson, Nevada (hostile fire--IED attack)
LANCE CPL Jonathan R. Flores, 18, U.S. Marine Corps, San Antonio, TX (hostile fire--IED attack)
Today one can hear it said repeatedly that there is nothing anymore that an individual can do. If someone were to speak out, it would only mean imprisonment and death. True, there is not much that can be done anymore to change the whole course of the world events. But as long as we live in this world, I believe it is never too late to save ourselves and, perhaps, some other soul for Christ.
Franz Jaegerstaetter
( Austrian farmer beheaded for refusing to fight in Hitler's army)

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Smiling Seriously,
Maia & George Elfie Ballis
Box 314
Prather, CA 93651

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