Tuesday, October 09, 2007

FYI: An update on GI Resistance from IVAW

Kelly Dougherty - IVAW <ivaw@ivaw.org> wrote:
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 15:28:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kelly Dougherty - IVAW <ivaw@ivaw.org>
To: <sacranative@yahoo.com>
Subject: An update on GI Resistance from IVAW

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Dear IVAW supporter,
IVAW is supporting GI resistance to the illegal war in Iraq, and in the last few days we've seen some major breakthroughs on that front that I'd like to share with you.

On Friday, a federal judge in Tacoma, Washington granted an emergency stay on the court martial of 1st Lt. Ehren Watada, a member of IVAW and the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to Iraq. Watada's first trial in February ended in a mistrial, and Friday's stay gives the judge a chance to consider Watada's claim that the trial scheduled to begin today violates the double-jeopardy clause of the Constitution.

Also last week, war resister Robin Long was released from custody in Canada after being arrested two days earlier on an immigration warrant. A groundswell of support on both sides of the border helped convince Canadian authorities to release Long rather than hand him over to the U.S., but he still faces a hearing to determine whether he will be deported.

(For more information about both Watada's and Long's cases and their significance in the struggle to end the illegal war in Iraq, go to:

Ehren Watada and Robin Long represent the public face of a growing movement within the military to refuse to participate in the illegal and immoral war and occupation of Iraq, and IVAW is working to bring voices like theirs into the public debate.

And right now, those voices are sorely needed. All three Democratic frontrunners have refused to pledge to remove all American troops from Iraq even by 2013 (see
this recent Washington Post article), but the members of IVAW know that we can't wait nearly that long. As one of our members said recently, we can't wait for the elections next year, we need to end this war now.

That's what IVAW members are working for, and we need your help now to make it happen. We're growing at a rapid pace, and to keep growing we need money to maintain our office, copy membership materials, pay for travel costs to bases to recruit new members, and to mail out Sit-Rep, our new newsletter for active duty troops. Our small staff operates on a very tight budget, so every donation makes a big difference. Please visit our
support page to make a donation today.

Kelly Dougherty
Former Sergeant, Army National Guard
Executive Director
Iraq Veterans Against the War

IVAW is proud to receive our 501(c)-3 tax exempt status through the sponsorship of Veterans For Peace: www.veteransforpeace.org
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Our postal address is
PO Box 8296
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101
United States

Come Together and Create!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka:Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Email: sacranative@yahoo.com




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