Friday, December 30, 2005

Town Hall Forum – Out of Iraq: Sabbath, January 7th, 2006

Gracias Hermano Daniel ~ I signed onto the Town Hall Forum to be held on January 7th in Sacramento and nationally by
and appreciate your notification. I will pass it on and look forward to seeing you and others on that Sabbath / Saturday:

Town Hall Forum – Out of Iraq
Date: January 7th, 2006
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Where: SEIU-UHW Hall, Downtown Sacramento
1911 F Street (between 19th and 20th Streets)

I plan to start the New Year right by doing a re-start of the Humane Liberation Party in order to focus on Community Education on the local level with a global vision. The People’s Liberation Movement inside the United States must concentrate on building up the People’s Vanguard Elements for mass education, organization and mobilization.

Humane Liberation Party Portal

Nowadays we have the Power of the Internet as a powerful tool for our Community Education work, but we must learn how to use it more wisely. Most of those we need to reach out to, learn from and help organize are not even on the Internet. I speak of the poor, the forgotten, the voiceless who live in our repressed colonies inside the United States, including our leadership in Amerikan concentration camps.

As we have empathy about the sufferings of all people and need to oppose all unjust wars we must also address the social conditions in our own immediate areas, not get distracted from doing our own homework in our own cities, towns and villages by far away event thousands of miles away while we ourselves suffer without help in our own lives here now.

To echo a call from the anti-Vietnam War era: We need to bring the War home! We must wage People's War if we are ever to have real social peace upon Mother Earth. When I was a homeless domestic refugee surviving in the mean streets of Sacramento there were no local Left-wing activists who helped me out of my troubles, but I survived with help from my friends in low places and have endured.

Here now inside the USA many of us suffer the violence of the misery of poverty, ignorance and apathy by Amerikan Fascism and the quiet compliance of the general population.

The HumanE Liberation Party will help be a strong voice for the voiceless. We will work on basic community education, voter registration, literacy and self-defense classes and other projects that relate to our basic survival needs: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education.

"Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will die or live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution. Pass on the torch. Join us, give up your life for the people!"
~~ Comrade George L. Jackson, General Field Marshal ~Black Panther Party {1942–1971}

Fight Back Against Amerikan Fascism!
Peter S. Lopez {aka Peta} ~ Coordinator
Sacramento, California, USA
Yahoo Email~

From: "Daniel Bacher"
Subject: Out of Iraq Town Hall Forum in Sacramento Jan. 7, 1-3 pm
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 09:52:04 -0800

Daniel Bacher wrote:

Hi everyone!

Let's start the new year right by mobilizing for a great anti-war event in Sacramento on January 7! Last year was a huge year for activists in Sacramento, with the Iraq withdrawal resolution passed by the Sacramento City Council, Cindy Sheehan's and Code Pink's campaign to pull California Guard members out of Iraq and the Pearcy's anti-war art displays all making the national news.

Please pass this on announcement from Karen Bernal and Cathlyn Daly to anyone you think might be interested. Also, please take a moment and register at Thanks so much!

Dan Bacher

Announcement for Town Hall Forum on January 7:


In conjunction with the Town Hall Forums to be held nationally by on January 7th, The Sacramento Coalition to End the War in collaboration with Sacramento for Democracy, Progressive Democrats of America and Peace in the Precincts has organized a community Town Hall Forum to be held in Sacramento.

This Town Hall Forum will be the first in a serious of regularly scheduled Town Hall Forums in an effort to bring our troops home from Iraq. We invite you to attend and participate in this important community forum.

The details are as follows:

Town Hall Forum – Out of Iraq
Date: January 7th, 2006
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Where: SEIU-UHW Hall, Downtown Sacramento
1911 F Street (between 19th and 20th Streets)


· David Dionisi, author of “American Hiroshima”
( ) and

· Charlie Brown, anti-Iraq War vet and Democratic Party candidate against Congressman Doolittle in the 4th Congressional District.


· Recent elections in Iraq and what the results may mean for Iraq and the United States

· Critical commentary on legislation currently before Congress regarding withdrawal of our troops, permanent military bases, reconstruction, etc.

· Arguments for the immediate withdrawal of our troops from Iraq

Audience Participation: Question-and-answer session

Moderator: Dr. Bill Durston, President of the Sacramento Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility

Tune into 1240 AM and 1320 AM radio stations to hear the Town Hall media announcements

Please go to

* click on “Out of Iraq Events” in the top right hand corner
* click on “Search for an Event Near You,”
* type in your zip code (or zip code 95814)

Please make sure to register for the event!

For further information, please contact:
Cathlyn Daly -
Karen Bernal -
Ruth Hollbrook –

We look forward to hearing your views!!

Cathlyn Daly
Sacramento Coalition to End the War
Progressive Democrats of America

Karen Bernal
Sacramento Coalition to End the War
Sacramento for Democracy

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