12/28/2012 ~Friday Night
Hermano David ~ I appreciate your post below. It gave me some understanding of what the hell happened to the old Brown Berets, at least from your perspective in LA 'exile'. You come out so shining and persecuted below.
I get the feeling the whole story has not been told by you. Maybe you will elaborate more about it in the future. Be humble. None of us are indispenable.
I feel that you abandoned the Brown Berets long ago, but then that is my individual perspective from havng been a Brown Beret here in Sacra in the late 60s. Here in Sacra, like an old soldier, we kind of faded out, then there were other social forces in operation, but in the end we defeated ourselves.
Whenever a vanguard organization fails it is always the fault of its vanguard leaders, not the people. One must take responsibility in life.
Just because someone disagrees wtih you does not mean they are just fostering division and up to no good.
My main agenda is a basic humane rights agenda and has been for a long time.
In a way, La Raza is more lost and leaderless as a people today than ever. I can see the relevancy of a real revitalization of La Raza Unida Party. Whatever happens, we only lose when we give up. Thus, we must never, never, never give up and lose our faith in the people.
We need to evolve beyond the illusion of Chicano cultural nationalism and work on Global Liberation
in coordination with all who strive for liberty, justice and survival. There are no nations under Empire.
We must unite together based upon our common survival needs, settle our differences and find common ground. The strggle goes on.
To suffer a few or even several set backs is not to admit defeat and succumb to defeatism. It is the ebb and flow of the nature of liberation struggles. Sometimes coming closer to our calculations on the groud, other times receding further away into the mist. That is part of why it is called a struggle. We must struggle!
I will share this with others in the hopes of getting feedback and finding a clearing in the forest by a warm campfire.
Venceremos! We Will Win! Educate to Liberate!
Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
Alternate Email: peta.aztlan@gmail.com
Sacramento, California, Aztlán
12/28/2012 ~Friday Night
Hermano David ~ I appreciate your post below. It gave me some understanding of what the hell happened to the old Brown Berets, at least from your perspective in LA 'exile'. You come out so shining and persecuted below.
I get the feeling the whole story has not been told by you. Maybe you will elaborate more about it in the future. Be humble. None of us are indispenable.
I feel that you abandoned the Brown Berets long ago, but then that is my individual perspective from havng been a Brown Beret here in Sacra in the late 60s. Here in Sacra, like an old soldier, we kind of faded out, then there were other social forces in operation, but in the end we defeated ourselves.
Whenever a vanguard organization fails it is always the fault of its vanguard leaders, not the people. One must take responsibility in life.
Just because someone disagrees wtih you does not mean they are just fostering division and up to no good.
My main agenda is a basic humane rights agenda and has been for a long time.
In a way, La Raza is more lost and leaderless as a people today than ever. I can see the relevancy of a real revitalization of La Raza Unida Party. Whatever happens, we only lose when we give up. Thus, we must never, never, never give up and lose our faith in the people.
We need to evolve beyond the illusion of Chicano cultural nationalism and work on Global Liberation
in coordination with all who strive for liberty, justice and survival. There are no nations under Empire.
We must unite together based upon our common survival needs, settle our differences and find common ground. The strggle goes on.
To suffer a few or even several set backs is not to admit defeat and succumb to defeatism. It is the ebb and flow of the nature of liberation struggles. Sometimes coming closer to our calculations on the groud, other times receding further away into the mist. That is part of why it is called a struggle. We must struggle!
I will share this with others in the hopes of getting feedback and finding a clearing in the forest by a warm campfire.
Venceremos! We Will Win! Educate to Liberate!
Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
Alternate Email: peta.aztlan@gmail.com
Sacramento, California, Aztlán
From: David Sanchez <davidsanchezphd@webtv.net>
To: NetworkAztlan_News@yahoogroups.com; MexicanAmericanUniversity@webtv.net
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 4:02 PM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_News] Disunity and Separatism
After working for the colleges, for agencies, and for county services. It seems to me that the system is isolating the Mexican American by denying jobs and by taking jobs away. By creating a dysfunctional educational system. By over charging on gasoline, rent, and housing. And by over policing with tickets and fines. All of this has created a slump
to make La Raza weak and pennyless. There is only one thing left. To respond to the monster. And we respond over and over again. We build organizations and by police convert actions they make us into objects of slander and cause divisions.
In 1972, I left the Berets because big money was coming in to buy guns to oppose our headquarters. This could have resulted in an endless fight and prison for many. They even used smear tactics to destroy the movement. Every one wants to take over the
Berets and when they do, they do not know how to drive the ship.
In 1992, I recommissioned the Berets to stop a trend of violence that was effecting thousands. The movement to stop violence died out because the problem of mass violence was solved by the Berets.
Then in 2005, In Los Angeles, we began to organize, protesting at board meetings, and working to stop the violence. And closed MLK hospital for letting a Mexican American woman die un-attended in the waiting room. This brought the berets new media and news. The problem that developed that Beret groups were popping up all over but they wanted to run their own ship and they did nothing. Again covert police action started to show up making impossible to operate by turning everyone against eachother and against me. I had to go into exile. Dr. Sanchez__._,_.___
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