Greetings All! I created the Humane Rights Agenda before 911 as a Yahoo Group.So much has evolved since then, including the Internet and the power of social/global networking. I find it interesting that many of our family in India use it, in addition to other relevant groups.
Some of the groups and individuals I am not aware of and I actually am mainly focused know on events in the USA. Plus I mainly use Twitter, Facebook and Google+ more than Yahoo Groups.
Surely now is the time for us all to communicate and unite as one family, use the Internet to build bridges and overcome the artificial borders imposed by the Evil Global Fascist Cabal.
Venceremos! We Will Win! Educate to Liberate!
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California
Greetings All! I created the Humane Rights Agenda before 911 as a Yahoo Group.So much has evolved since then, including the Internet and the power of social/global networking. I find it interesting that many of our family in India use it, in addition to other relevant groups.
Some of the groups and individuals I am not aware of and I actually am mainly focused know on events in the USA. Plus I mainly use Twitter, Facebook and Google+ more than Yahoo Groups.
Surely now is the time for us all to communicate and unite as one family, use the Internet to build bridges and overcome the artificial borders imposed by the Evil Global Fascist Cabal.
Venceremos! We Will Win! Educate to Liberate!
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California
From: labour collective <labor.collective@gmail.com>
To: arkitectindia@yahoogroups.com; achin vanaik <achin@bol.net.in>; Admiral Bhagwat <admiralvb@hathway.com>; Arundathi Roy <easywinterlight@gmail.com>; anand patwardhan <anandpat@gmail.com>; Dr.U.R.Anantha Murthy <urananthamurthy@gmail.com>; Satchid anandan <satchida@gmail.com>; Anivar Aravind <anivar.aravind@gmail.com>; Shaheen Ansari <ansarishaheen@gmail.com>; amresh mishra <amareshmisra@rediffmail.com>; aslam ghazi <maghazi@indiatimes.com>; Badri Raina <badri.raina@gmail.com>; baijumjohn <baijumjohn@gmai.com>; bharat-chintan <bharat-chintan@googlegroups.com>; Brp Bhaskar <brpbhaskar@gmail.com>; nilofer bhagwat <nilouferin@vsnl.net>; bobby.kunhu@kunhu.com; crneelakandan <crneelakandan@gmail.com>; Kamal Mitra Chenoy <kamalchenoy@yahoo.com>; meena@thehindu.co.in; Sabrang Communication <sabrang@bom2.vsnl.net.in>; Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan <zik@vsnl.com>; Mustafa Desamangalam <mustafdesam@gmail.com>; Countercurrents Website <editor@countercurrents.org>; editor freepress <edit_freepress@yahoo.com>; vijayan ek <vr.cheliya@gmail.com>; gaurilankesh@gmail.com; geojosh@sify.com; humanrightsactivist@yahoogroups.com; Humane-Rights-Agenda@yahoogroups.com; K M Seethi <kmseethimgu@gmail.com>; KP Sasi <kpsasi36@gmail.com>; krispinjoseph <krispinjoseph@gmail.com>; leo <leo@esgindia.org>; Lalita Ramdas <lramdas@vsnl.com>; mulniwasi <mulniwasi@yahoogroups.com>; napm_up <napm_up@yahoo.com>; ram.puniyani@mtnl.net.in; nba.medha <nba.medha@gmail.com>; usha <ovusha@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 6:55 PM
Subject: Humane-Rights-Agenda The ongoing extinction of CPI(M) :( LK Adwani speaks this time
Elements within the CPIM were keen to discard communism and join hands with RSS's politcal arm BJP.Yechuri and BJP leaders recently had a joint event at Delhi. At Vilapilsala DYFI and RSS had a joint meeting. Rabidly communal BJP leaders were guests at CPIM's Kairali channel opening. And now LK Awani said in Trivandrum yesterday at a function of the RSS fountainhead in Kerala, Bharatiya Vichara Kendram, that he and Sushma Swaraj had discussions with Gurudas Gupta, and CPIM is not untouchable to them. It would be good for CPIM to officially discard the proletarian ideology and Marxist affiliation. It now has got nothing to do with the Indian Communist Party formed in 1925, and has distanced itself from the legacy of creating whatever is progressive in India in the modern times. It has turned itself into a corporate party, now eager to align with the fascists. The CPIM that refused the offer of PM post is now already fossil.The Trivandrum event of RSS ideologues was chaired by rtd justice Sridevi (ex chair of the Women's Commission), Dr M Mohandas (serving VC of the Health University), Dr NK Jayakumar (VC of National Uny of Law, Kochi), among others. This tells very much about the escalating RSS influence in Kerala. Remember these people were appointed to these positions by either the CPIM or Congress party, and not BJP. They will continue to get new positions again. Thats how RSS idelogy penetrate kerala's entire life.Rasheed__._,_.___
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Liberate Brother Leonard Peltier and Prisoners of Amerikan Fascism!
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