Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tuesday, December 01, 2009 ~ Daily Cosmic Calendar

Take it for value it brings to you… to me ~ revolution is in the air!




Tuesday, December 01, 2009 ~ Daily Cosmic Calendar


December 2009 begins with plenty of excitement and notes of surprise and shock. A short void lunar cycle in Taurus starting at 5:40AM PST leads to the arrival of airy, loquacious Gemini Moon (6:24AM PST). Reading, writing, research, arts, crafts and hobbies receive the proverbial cosmic green light. This is amplified 29 minutes later at 6:53AM PST when Mercury makes a supportive, 60-degree rapport with visionary Neptune. Now you can really get into projects connected to photography, film or video work, the fine and graphic arts, music, dance and spiritual studies.


A major event happens at 12:28PM PST when Uranus shifts from retrograde to direct at 23 degrees of Pisces. [Uranus will remain in direct motion until July 5, 2010.] All Uranus themes - revolution, radical change, uncertainty and surprises, topsy-turvy events, lightning-light realizations, breakthroughs in higher consciousness, aviation, the multi-media, electronics and high technology, but also instability, shock waves, breakdowns and nervous conditions - are pronounced throughout today and during the next few days. Expecting the unexpected should be your motto.


Helping you tap into an optimistic mind-set is Venus entering Sagittarius (2:05PM PST) until December 25. Venus in Sagittarius is also a boost for athletics, adventures in the great outdoors, and reaching key educational or artistic goals. Enlightening forces are on the march later tonight during the Full Moon (11:32PM PST) - energizing 11 degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini. Individual and group medications are encouraged. Send out your healing thoughts and prayers to dear ones, humanity and the kingdoms of nature. Mercury square Juno (11:59PM PST) ends the first day of the last month of 2009 with a warning not to be over-indulgent in affairs of the heart.

Venceremos Unidos! Education for Liberation!

Peter S. López, Jr. aka~Peta
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com


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