Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Research: October 31, 2007 - Search Our Archives

Gracias for the information and links. I will pass it on to others online.

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We know that many of our gente ~La Raza Cosmica de Aztlan~ are without Internet Access on a regular basis. We can change this one home at a time by helping to enable people get computer, get online and then encourage them to get involved with progressive websites and positive online groups. We must raise our education levels in concert with basic community literacy programs on the local level.
The power of the Internet has changed civilization and is constantly transforming the way we share information, communicate among ourselves and spread human knowledge. We must strive to be in the vanguard of the learning curve, be bold in expressing our viewpoints and learn from each other all along the way in order to raise our general level of consciousness.
Our inability to unite online from the safety and comfort of our homes is a sign of our general division among Latinos and all people who are indigenous to these lands I call Aztlan. It is a reflection of the division in the immigrant rights struggle inside the continental United States. Think about it!
I myself believe in general amnesty for all immigrants and the tearing down of all borders between working people worldwide. The immigrant rights movement inherently involves international relations and global international law. The U.S.A. must resolve its 'immigrant problem' in unity and cooperation with Mexico and Canada as neighboring nation-states.

Ultimately the immigrant rights struggle involves property relations, labor relations worldwide and is points to the urgent need for world socialism in order to help the global economy and global people as a whole. All social issues are interconnected in connected realiity.
We must think outside the box ~borders in this context~ look at the existing economic realities in the real world and though we may have differences of opinions we should come together on the common denominator of immigrant rights being humane rights!

Come Together & Create!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta-de-Aztlan

"Immigration Daily from ILW.COM" <editor@ilw.com> wrote:
-----------------IMMIGRATION DAILY FROM ILW.COM--------------

October 31, 2007

1. Comment: Search Our Archives
2. Focus: Deadline Is Wed, October 31st For Adjustment In
Removal Proceedings
3. Articles:
(a) What Happens To A DREAM Denied: Is There A Way To Get
More H-1B Numbers? by Gary Endelman
(b) Bloggings: October 31, 2007 by Joel Stewart
4. News:
(a) DOS Publishes Final Rule On Intercountry Adoptions
5. Classifieds:
(a) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorneys
(b) Help Wanted: Immigration Professional
(c) Credential Evaluation And Translation
6. ComingsNGoings:
(a) Immigration Event - Philadelphia, PA
7. Letters From:
(a) Allen C. Ladd, Esq.
(b) Roger Algase, Esq.
(c) Robert Gittelson
(d) Ben Lubbon


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Search Our Archives

Did you miss an issue of the Daily? Have you tried to go back and
locate a Featured Article only to find you had deleted your email
version of Immigration Daily? Are you a recent subscriber who
wants to know what you missed in the earlier issues? Interested
in learning Immigration Daily coverage on a particular topic? Old
issues of the Daily do not die, they just get archived. Try using
our search engine to find the item(s) of interest to you.

We welcome readers to share their opinion and ideas with us by
writing to mailto:editor@ilw.com.

Deadline Is Wed, October 31st For Adjustment In Removal

The curriculum for the November 1st phone session on "Adjustment
In Removal Proceedings" is as follows:

++ Reopening old deportation or removal orders
++ Adjustment after pre-1996 exclusion order
++ Understanding the new "arriving alien" regulations
++ Retaining portability in removal - overview of emerging case law
++ Remands to District Director vs. merits hearing before Immigration
++ Seeking continuances until adjustment eligibility
++ Adjustment as a defense to crimes-based removability

The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, October 31st.
For more info, including speaker bios, detailed curriculum, and
registration information, please see:
http://www.ilw.com/seminars/september2007.shtm . (Fax version:
http://www.ilw.com/seminars/september2007.pdf ).

(a) What Happens To A DREAM Denied: Is There A Way To Get More
H-1B Numbers?

Gary Endelman writes "What, if anything, does the downfall of
DREAM have to do with employment-based immigration. Stated
simply, where do we go from here to get more H-1B numbers?"

(b) Bloggings: October 31, 2007

Joel Stewart shares the latest entries from his blog.

(a) DOS Publishes Final Rule On Intercountry Adoptions

The Department of State published notice in the Federal Register
amending Department of State regulations to provide
for intercountry adoptions that will occur pursuant to the Hague
Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect
of Intercountry Adoption and the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000.

(a) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorneys
San Diego, CA - Larrabee / Mehlman / Albi / Coker LLP,
a leading business immigration law firm has openings for senior
associate attorneys and associate attorneys. Both positions
require experience in labor certs, NIV categories (senior
position requires experience in all NIV categories), AOS and
consular processing as well as NIW, extraordinary ability, multi-
national and researcher petitions in high volume, fast-paced
immigration firm. Sr. Associate Attorney - must have 5+ yrs of
business immigration experience with direct management of
corporate clients' immigration legal needs. Experience should
include managing support staff. Associate Attorney - must have 2
yrs. business immigration experience. Strong writing and verbal
communication skills required for both positions. Excellent
benefits. Salary commensurate with experience. Great place to
work and enjoy your chosen career. CA bar membership a plus. Send resume with salary expectations to: mailto:hr@larrabee.com.

(b) Help Wanted: Immigration Professional
New York City - Mount Sinai Medical Center seeks senior
immigration specialist. Manage case files, prepare and process
non-immigrant, employment-based immigrant petitions, and
processing permanent residence applications. You will use
Immigration Tracker software and have knowledge of the breadth of immigration procedures. Good writing and analytical skills
required. Requires positive attitude + effective communication
skills. Applicants must have strong work ethic and demonstrate
initiative, as well willingness to work as team-player. Fast
paced office with high case volume. Excellent opportunity to
learn all areas of immigration law for a dedicated professional.
College degree and 3+ years immigration experience required. No
lawyers please. For complete details and to apply online, visit
The Mount Sinai Careers website
(Requisition # 07-47803).

(c) Credential Evaluation And Translation
As the nation's leader in foreign credential evaluations and
translations, American Evaluation and Translation Service, Inc.
(AETS) provides the most competitive rates in the industry - $50
educational evaluations, as well as $200 'expert opinion' work
experience and position evaluations completed by PhD university
professors who have the "authority to grant college level credit
for work experience and/or training." AETS offers a variety of
turn-around times, including same-day service for educational,
work experience, and position evaluations. For list of rates and
times, see:

AETS also provides certified translations in 100+ languages,
with translators that are specialists in 80+ fields. For a copy
of the Application for Credential Evaluation and Translation
Services, please contact AETS at (786) 276-8190, visit
http://www.aetsinternational.com , or email:
mailto:info@aetsinternational.com .
6. ComingsNGoings

Readers can share their professional announcements (100-words or fewer at no charge), email: mailto:editor@ilw.com. Readers
interested in learning about featuring your event or conference
in Immigration Daily, see here
http://www.ilw.com/corporate/media_sponsor.shtm . To feature your newsletter in Immigration Daily, see here
http://www.ilw.com/corporate/cross_promotions.shtm .

(a) Immigration Event - Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia, PA - A world divided by health inequities poses
challenges for global health. CGFNS International brings together
thought leaders to discuss health systems and actions that
address health inequity in its Building Global Alliances
Symposium. Stephen Lewis, respected commentator on social
affairs, international development and human rights will be the
keynote speaker. William L. Holzemer, RN, PhD, FAAN, will receive
the CGFNS 2007 International Distinguished Leadership Award.
December 3-4, Four Seasons Hotel. For details and online
registration, see: http://www.cgfns.org/globalevent
or contact Kathleen Rohrbaugh at 215-243-5880 or
mailto:krohrbaugh@cgfns.org . ILW.COM is pleased to be a media
sponsor for this event.

Readers are welcome to share their comments, email:
mailto:editor@ilw.com (300-words or fewer preferred).
Many letters to the Editor refer to past correspondence,
available in our archives.

(a) Dear Editor:
I trust this reference, in regards to the DREAM Act split, was
meant light-heartedly. The North-South split in this instance may
have more to do with Blue-Red, than Blue-Gray. Demographics
rather than states' rights, if you will. So the Senate has failed
to pass even the DREAM Act. Unfortunately, in the wake of the
defeat of the DREAM Act, our junior Republican senator here in
South Carolina, Jim DeMint, seems to have been carried away by,
shall we say, partisan euphoria. I don't dispute that the
consensus within Congress, and probably in the nation as a whole,
is to put priority on securing the borders and enforce our laws.
I am troubled by Senator DeMint's bald partisanship, however, and
his use of scare tactics. As for the aspiration to "create a
legal immigration system that works": while in principle we all
support efforts to do so, I fear that in this instance it is
little more than a catch-phrase. Senator DeMint is well aware
that the words "No to amnesty!" among the GOP of this state has
stifled, and will stifle, reasonable discussion of a sensible
immigration benefits system. This was the rallying cry, by the
GOP powers-that-be, to displace our moderate senior Senator,
Lindsey Graham, a co-sponsor of the recent immigration reform
legislation that met an untimely end earlier this year. So, a
call for a "legal ... immigration system ... that works" in this
context only bodes well for enforcement, but poorly for fairness.
And so it will be, as long as opponents of comprehensive
immigration reform have the microphone. We as immigration lawyers must become intimately involved in raising the public's awareness of these issues. We should, we must, have a coherent plan to bring this information to the American public.
Allen C. Ladd, Esq. Greenville, SC

(b) Dear Editor:
My thanks to Robert Yang's latest letter (10/30/07 ID) for taking
my letter's comments (10/29/07 ID) about the racial double
standard relating to green card lotteries and "amnesty"
seriously. The early 1990's "AA-1" lottery was intended to
benefit mainly European illegal immigrants, and especially those
from Ireland. Unlike the current version of the lottery, which is
open to immigrants from many different parts of the world, the
AA-1 lottery provided for automatic waivers of both the
deportation and visa fraud grounds for inadmissibility The
current more racially diverse lottery, of course, has no such
provisions. Nor, at the time of the AA-1 lottery, was there any
such thing as a 3 or 10 year bar for "unlawful presence". An AA-1
winner, therefore, could in many cases, and to my own personal
knowledge, still get a green card no matter how many years he or
she had been in the US illegally, or even if he or she had
previously made false statements to enter the country or had been deported for that reason. But even though the current DV lottery is far less generous to today's mainly Asian, African and Latin American winners, both the Republican-backed HR 4437 immigration bill last year, and the failed bipartisan CIR "compromise" this year, would have eliminated this program completely. Double standard, anyone?
Roger Algase, Esq. New York, NY

(c) Dear Editor:
I want to publicly praise New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer for his
leadership and political courage in forging a difficult deal that
allows many illegal immigrants living in New York the opportunity
to drive with a legal license. He has been, and continues to be
vilified and mischaracterized by both sides of the debate on this
polarizing issue. I say that Mr. Spitzer should be held up as a
shining example to the rest of our nation. He set out to make a
positive contribution and forge a deal, and he did just that. Did
anyone think that on this hotly contested issue one side would
prevail with their entire agenda intact? That untenable ideal has
been an unmovable impediment toward progress on the immigration issues facing our country to date. People see these issues in white or black, and nobody until now has been willing to settle for a shade of grey, which ultimately must be the only lasting answer. Even Chung-Wha Hong of the New York Immigration coalition has derided this achievement as a "lose-lose political decision that betrays his most ardent supporters and emboldens the anti-immigrant opposition." I say Hong couldn't be more wrong. This is a first baby step towards the type of compromise that will ultimately be needed to prevail on the long a difficult road to the passage of comprehensive immigration reform. Really, it's a win-win. I don't know why Chung-Wha Hong is determined to clutch a defeat from the jaws of victory. Both sides on these debates always think that they are taking the high road, while the other side is taking the low road? It speaks volumes about the political process when the obvious choice, the road right down the middle, is all too often the road least traveled.
Robert Gittelson

(d) Dear Editor:
Responding to ID's comment (10/29/07), this is very disturbing.
Maybe this comment will inspire some of us to take on VDare and
their anti-immigration advocates in their blogosphere and the
media. Kudos to Immigration Daily in reporting VDare's gross
misrepresentation of Hispanics.
Ben Lubbon
The first daily in the field of immigration. Forward this to a

Publisher: Sam Udani Legal Editor: Michele Kim ISSN:1930-062X

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ILW.COM, PO Box 1830, New York, NY 10156
Come Together and Create!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka:Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Email: sacranative@yahoo.com




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