Sunday, September 02, 2007

Lebanon: Militants Are Driven From Refugee Camp

Lebanon: Militants Are Driven From Refugee Camp
Bryan Denton for The New York Times
Lebanese soldiers and residents from areas surrounding the Nahr al Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon celebrating after the militant group Fatah al Islam was driven out after three months of fierce fighting with the Lebanese Army.
Published: September 3, 2007
BEIRUT, Lebanon, Sept. 2 — The Lebanese Army wrested a Palestinian refugee camp from the control of Islamic militants on Sunday, ending three months of fierce fighting that took more than 300 lives and transfixed Lebanon.
The camp had been home to 30,000 before the fighting.
Bryan Denton for The New York Times

Lebanese soldiers and a civilian after three months of fighting with militants in the Nahr al Bared refugee camp ended on Sunday.
Bryan Denton for The New York Times
Celebrations outside the Nahr al Bared refugee camp after the Lebanese Army said that it had wrested control from Islamic militants.
The surprise end to the camp standoff came when about 70 militants tried to escape at dawn Sunday. As they neared army positions, soldiers fired on them, killing at least 31, including the group's leader, Shakir al-Abssi, and capturing 32, the army said. Five soldiers were killed in the gunfire.

The camp, Nahr al Bared, had been home to 30,000 people, most of whom fled when the conflict started at the end of May. On Sunday, the state-run National News Agency reported that soldiers patrolled the empty camp, much of which had been leveled by army bombs, as helicopters searched for any remaining militants.

It was unclear why the group, Fatah al Islam, made up of radical Sunnis inspired by
Al Qaeda, chose Sunday to attempt its breakout. But the army had tightened its grip on the camp recently and ratcheted up its bombings over the past week, after family members of the fighters were permitted to leave. The remaining fighters were thought to be running out of ammunition and food.

The militants' failed last stand has burnished the image of the army, which is viewed by Lebanese across the political spectrum as the only institution in the country that represents the state, not individual factions.

Despite the prolonged fighting and deaths on both sides, the army has won widespread praise and support for its restraint in a nation that has seen its share of violent clashes.

The army's commander in chief, Gen. Michel Suleiman, has emerged as a national hero and potential force ahead of presidential elections in three weeks. The country remains deeply divided between a pro-Western government and the
Hezbollah-led opposition, supported by Iran and Syria, and analysts said General Suleiman could emerge as a compromise presidential candidate.

"This victory reflects positively on the army and its commander in chief," said Talal Atrissi, a political sociology professor at the Lebanese University. "His chances to become a compromise candidate have now increased."

Banners and posters saluting the army have decorated Lebanese streets for the past several months. On Facebook, the online social network, Lebanese have created groups of army supporters. Banks have designed new credit cards with camouflage colors.

As news from the camp spread Sunday, Lebanese from different political backgrounds, including those allied to Hezbollah, took to the streets across the country in celebration. Television programs showed residents in northern cities near the camp waving Lebanese flags and throwing rice at soldiers who were flashing victory signs as their convoys arrived.

"The army is emerging as the guardian of the state of Lebanon," said Hilal Khashan, a political science professor at the American University of Beirut.

"Politicians have failed, therefore the army is the only institution capable of shoring the country toward peace."

The camp siege began on May 20, when Fatah al Islam fighters who had taken control of the camp attacked nearby army checkpoints, killing 22 soldiers. At least 120 militants and 42 civilians have been killed in the conflict, as well as 157 soldiers, including the five on Sunday.

Before the clashes began, military officials had said up to 70 militants remained in the camp, down from an estimated 360 when the conflict began.

"The army took full control of the camp," an army official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the news media. "We are now clearing the area and searching for militants who managed to escape."

The army said it would not allow anyone to enter the camp or refugees to return before de-mining operations were completed and the rubble was removed.

Politicians were quick to congratulate the army.
"It is the greatest national victory for Lebanon over the terrorists in Nahr al Bared," Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said in a televised speech. "It is a great success that the Lebanese army has achieved over the terrorists, those who sought chaos, destruction and tragedies for Lebanon."

Mr. Siniora pledged to rebuild the camp and secure the return of the Palestinian refugees. He also indicated that the authorities would not permit militants to base themselves in the camp again. Palestinian refugee camps are considered off limits for Lebanese security troops.

President Émile Lahoud said the army "has achieved what superpowers could not in confronting terrorism."

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