Sunday, August 12, 2007

Response: [Talking-Circle] We have no unity, no unity at ALL!?!

Sunday, August 12, 2006
It is a sunny Sunday morning here in Sacramento and CCN Last Word in Sunday Talk is on the boob tube right now. I do not spend a lot of time on the Internet these days as much as before because connected reality demands my attention around me in terms of helping homeless people ~our domestic refugees~ in what limited ways that I can here now in my social environment.
True unity must be based upon our common survival needs as human beings: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and basic education. We are work together to meet our common needs we come together and create new alliances, forge new coalitions and stop arguing amongst ourselves behind minor differences that won't mean a hoop when all is said and done.
Each of us should do our own soul-searching, stay focused on our natural environment and find out where our Ministry or Cause is centered at instead of scattering our forces without a clear vision in a set direction.
For sure we must balance our lives between real work out in our local communities, mass education work online and inner work on our own individual spiritual growth in harmony with a greater cosmic consciousness.
We must resign ourselves to the connected reality that ours is not the only way and grasp the fact that there are many ways to mass, social and individual liberation. Lifes works in threes, not the sterile dualism of Marxist-Leninism, devoid of Spiritual Revelation.
We build unity by working together on common goals through various groups, social movements and relevant organizations, not in dysfunctional isolation trying to be king of the hill.
As we continue to 'exhaust all legal peaceful means' we must see now that the inevitable showdown cannot be put off forever ~ the whole situation could deteriorate and all come down to a trial by armed combat. At least, we must stay prepared and ready for whatever may come. Armed conflict engulfing major sections of the general population is as predictable as nightfall, unless other ways are found to resolve fundamental internal contradictions.
The typical American is a paranoid pathetic apathetic being who is just trying to make it through the day, struggle to work, pay his taxes and make ends meet to feed his family as those ends drift further apart under corporate capitalism.
All of us should be seeing life today from a global overview and there is much for us to be inspired by when we look at life from a global perspective and think outside the box {in our case, outside the national boundaries of the continental USA}.
White Americans can think and do what they want, but they are actually a shrinking minority on a global scale. To combat the great Super-power of the American Empire we need to utilize the Super-power of global public opinion for the hearts, minds and souls of the vast masses of people inside the United States and outside the United States in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America {the so-called Third World and all the forgotten little regions of the world}.
All of this momentum requires us to gain more and more access to the mass media with innovative imagination, plus, starting up small local newspapers to spread the news on the local street level. Most of the poor oppressed people we need to reach out to are not even computer literate or do not even have regular Internet access! Then, some of our online groups are limited to those who hold similiar opinions as we do, when the truth is that we need to have different opinions, discuss our differences and not be afraid of changing our minds about certain issues.
With Internet access, we can easily Google what we want to find out about what is going on in different places upon the planet and regurgitate news articles to onlne groups, but what are we actually doing in our own personal lives on a day-to-day basis???Are we establishing survival programs? Are we teaching people basic literacy? Are we getting involved in voter registration?Are we spending time with our children?
The so-called Left-Wing Movement inside the United States will always be divided and splintered with a leftist schizophrenic mentality that is blind to the larger humane rights movement worldwide! Some movements only carry us so far, then, they should be developed further, broadened in scope and heightened in consciousness.
We are in the new Millenium! Many progressives are enslaved by theories that were first developed in the 19th Century and have failed to develop the praxis of relevant revolutionary theory 'live and living color'.
The corporate-controlled mass media is now dominated with news about the U.S. Presidential race, the Iraq War and other items of interest on the corporate agenda. We should report about the small things too. What is going on in our local communities? What is happening on the street level? What is going on in our local Emergency Rooms?
Unity is built by coming together, working together on the basis of a common humane rights agenda and as we work together we will gradually lose remnants of racism, narrow nationalism and other manifestations of division. Those who do not break bread together cannot bake bread together.
"Now is the time of the furnaces, and only light should be seen."
— José Martí
"Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people's unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America." ~ Che Guevara
With Deeds, Blessings & Prayers~ Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta
Yahoo Email:
Original Subject Line:
[Talking-Circle] We have no unity, no unity at ALL
"Virginia S." <> wrote:
Thanks again (as usual!), Norma!!

I agree that multiple arrows aimed at the megalith is good. I do wish though that Murkans weren't so preoccupied with causes that seem to get them nowhere (like fighting CONgress) that they cannot see what is about to happen. Martial law is already SET UP and ready to roll.

This monetary crises is going to have everyone scrabming for mining stocks and gold. What happens as the mining company lobbyists try to get lowered work ing conditions, as it pertains to URANIUM mining ..? We already seeing what is hapening up here, as this is the leading source of supply .. which is native groups standing guard to prevent nuclear runoffs in all the waterways (Lake Sharbot - and about to begin in Sasketchewan as the Germans want MORE, must mure produced NOW.)

My point is that problems are multiplying by the day as the Three Amigos are about to sound off, the CRAZY As hell Malloch Brown in the UK is pushing Britain to go into the ONE world government, the Chinese are getting crazy, the Middle East is losing any strategic staying power . and here is the oppostion and the movement for peace and justice limping along. I guess I just am afraid of

But yes, you are TOTALLY correct - there are plenty of movements that ANYONE could join to help out.


Norma J F Harrison <> wrote:
There are many of our movements. While some might be 'wrong' , really, the more the better. All it is is to do any, some, many. Coalescence might come. But change will surely come if we keep up doing them.
Building unity is the goal. But what you see as not unity really discounts what everyone else is doing. Huge numbers of us are doing a bunch of stuff. It's ok. We want to make it better, of course.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 4:13 PM
Subject: [Talking-Circle] We have no unity, no unity at ALL

I could not agree MORE.


We Have No Unity, No Unity at All
Tim Gatto

I wrote an article about a General Strike on September 11, 2007. I also went to a meeting that was called by this week. I tried to get people from my South Carolina Community involved in a vigil to protest the war in front of my rabid Senator's office (Lindsay Graham). I have been told that Move-On isn't "well respected around here South Carolina), or that the anti-war people don't want to get involved with partisan interests. I have been told of at least four other protests that are better than a "General Strike" all of which are going to take place in the "future".
Well I've got something to say to all of the people that in one way or another have different paths to save this country from a dictatorship of the right. You had better hurry and get your "plans" in order because you really don't have much time. I'll tell some of you this also, either you want to get rid of Bush and Cheney and end this war, or you are all just seeking the betterment of whatever group or groups that you belong to, or headlines for your own views.
I get e-mails from people that ask me who is behind this? I've heard that somebody named Anthony St. Martin proposed this idea, I head of it from a comment on one of my articles and thought it a pretty good idea. I don't know who is behind it. I'm behind it, and so are all the people that commented that it's a great idea whose time has come. How do we do it? By doing nothing, that's how. It doesn't take a Ph.D. To understand that staying home from work and not buying anything could make a difference. You also don't need directions. You also don't need someone "important" to be behind it sheeple. If the immigrants that came from Latin America can do this, I thought that the American people could do it. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Americans are too afraid.
We are in a really bad situation. We have a certified nut-case in the White House that has a "contingency Plan" for usurping power from all three branches of government if there is an "emergency". They won't give the "Secret" details to the congressional Oversight Committee and we are just supposed to go along with it. The President has written an Executive Order
... that states that anyone that interferes with the Iraq effort can have their assets seized. I guess everyone is OK with that? Apparently the "opposition" is a myth. People can't even decide whether or not we should blame the Democrats that vote for everything Bush wants'' because it might "fracture" the movement.
Well in my view, unless we can at least decide to participate in a General Strike on September 11, 2007. We have no "movement" What we have is many people with their own opinions that don't want to work with anyone else. I'll just keep on writing. That's what I do. I try to get Americans to understand what is happening to them on a daily basis. It is the only way I know of to fight back. From here on out, I really don't want to try to convince anyone to save this Republic. That has to come from your own conscience. You do whatever you think is best. I have never been a "joiner" mostly because it usually means dealing with people with huge ego's that believe they are smarter than everyone else. So elect your Hillary Clinton. I will just keep on writing about how we are all getting shafted by the Corporate Cabal and when they won't let me write anymore, I'll know it's time to stop.

"Because Nature doesn't use methods. It 'works' because it is what it is. Methods presuppose the opposite, in whatever area of your concern. They show your belief that nature doesn't work right on its own." ~ Jane Roberts.
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Come Together and Create!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan

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