Thursday, July 19, 2007

CLICK LINK: community technology centers' network

Remember: Imagination is more important than intelligence alone. ~Peta
CLICK LINK: community technology centers' network

CTCNet Awards $280,000 in C4All Accessibility Grants!

C4AllThe Connections for All (C4All) program continues to enhance the capacity of CTCs to serve people with a broad range of abilities! In April 2007, CTCNet and AT&T awarded 14 Accessibility Grants totaling $280,000 to CTCs across the country. New for all CTCs: visit the CTC Resource Center for Tip Sheets & Resources on different ways to make your center more welcoming and usable to individuals with a range of abilities.

Board of Director - Call for Nominations

The Community Technology Centers' Network (CTCNet) is now currently accepting nominations for individuals to serve on the Board of Directors. Nominations may be submitted by, and for, any CTCNet Member in good standing. For more information on nominating a Board Member, please view the Nomination Instructions.

Youth Visions for Your Neighborhood

CTCNet's Youth Visions for Stronger Neighborhoods curriculum offers youth-serving organizations a proven methodology for engaging youth in local community-building and problem-solving through multimedia tools and training. Using this curriculum, youth across the country have identified pressing problems in their neighborhoods and worked towards building awareness and creating solutions. Check out youth-produced documentaries and other curriculum at the Youth Visions website!
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Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan

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