Tuesday, May 01, 2007

On the Morning of May 1, 2007: Posted by Peta-de-Aztlan

On the Morning of May 1, 2007

Tuesday, May 01, 2007 @8:58 AM

Well, I have made it through another month of living in this land of fears. Now we are into May 1st, 2007 and we shall see what we shall see. I hope there will be a lot of Immigrant Rights Marches and Rallies, though, I know they will not be as strong in terms of community participation by Latinos as it was last year.
There is a lot of internal division among the Chicano leadership, which includes a lot of dysfunctional groups, individualist egotism and petty bickering. We all need to do our own inventory, clean house and determine who are our allies and who are out opponents, not fight against our potential allies.
Last year by coming out of the shadows and exhibiting their mass participation, a lot Latinos who are not U.S. citizens thought their personal involvement would bring about relevant immigration reform and result in one form of amnesty or another for undocumented worked or so-called illegal immigrants, especially those of Mexican-citizenship. However, such immigration reform in the legal sphere has not occurred and I suspect it will not happen anytime soon.
Who will protect us if we are attacked except us ourselves with the weapons we can wield with our own hands? We must be self-reliant. No one else is coming to our rescue.
The U.S. Congress, now under the superficial control of the Democratic Party, is caught up in conflict with the Bush Regime over the Iraq-nam War and that issue will dominate official partisan politics at least until the Presidential Election of 2008.
Latinos as a people do not have the social organization {including multi-media tools for mass community education}, finance capital {non-profit orgs and entrepreneurs} and infrastructure {networks, offices and real estate} set up in order to protect immigrants and refugees in general from the designs of ICE
A unique form of totalitarian fascism is already 'in power and secure' inside the United States that is largely disguised with the veil of the prestige of power over it, though, the Bush Regime has exposed its dark side to many seeing intelligent people worldwide. Many people still have an old comic-book notion of fascism that harks back to the Nazi-era, but today's modern fascism in Amerika is acutely aware of itself, scientific, sophisticated and mercilessly counter-revolutionary.
Fascism is aided and abetted by an apathetic passive general population that will allow it to wage expensive foreign wars with impunity and a land of sleeping sheep who will certainly not speak out and mobilize en masse against attacks upon so-called illegal immigrant or non-U.S. citizens. All leaders of positive social movements must come to understand that the very legal stature of the U.S. government is illegal, immoral and seen as a terrorist rogue regime by many people throughout the world.
Main Entry: im·pu·ni·ty
Pronunciation: im-'pyü-n&-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French impunité, from Latin impunitat-, impunitas, from impune without punishment, from in- + poena punishment -- more at PAIN
: exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss <laws were flouted with impunity>
From a global overview, the whole social movement for immigrant rights should be seen in the contest of the whole Latino Liberation Movement and a part of the whole humane rights movement worldwide. Enhanced with a global vision, it will take a lot of time, energy and resources to build up a strong resistance movement against the dark forces of evil upon Mother Earth. We can do it one day at a time, one person at a time, one community at a time, one city at a time and one region at a time with patient perseverance!
Join the Intelligent Insurgency!
Peter S. Lopez {aka: Peta}
HELP Field Coordinator
Sacra, Califas, Aztlan

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