Tuesday, May 08, 2007

From LA Indymedia> Police Terror in the Park: posted on 5-08-2007 by Peta-de-Aztlan

Internet Source> http://la.indymedia.org/
Police Terror in the Park
MACARTHUR PARK, May Day 2007--Police stormed a workers' and immigrants' rally at 5:30 p.m. this afternoon in MacArthur Park, sending thousands of families running in terror as they cleared a MIWON Immigrant rally and festival with foam and beanbag bullets, batons, and tear gas. The cops marched through the park in riot gear, indiscriminately clubbing down people in their wake. Full report with photos: Police Terror in the Park by Leslie Radford
Other reports from the newswire:LAPD tries to crush immigrant rights movement by schock | | May Day 2007; A Report To Correct The Balance by Nick Napolitano | Cops Terrorize May Day Protestors by We're all immigrants | AJLPP CONDEMNS POLICE BRUTALITY AGAINST IMMIGRANTS: by AJLPP-Los Angeles | May Day 2007; A Report To Correct The Balance by Nick Napolitano | | Fox TV Camerawoman Filing Claims Against LAPD by Greene Broillet & Wheeler, LLP | | Ernesto Arce KPFK Reporter Shot w/Rubber Bullet 5/1 Tells What Touched Off Assault by Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez | | 2001 - 2007: LAPD's Reign of Terror Unchecked by Kelly McSwain | | Thousands March In A Day Without Latinos by H. Nelson Goodson | | Candidate Alexander: LAPD Assaults May Day Supporters by Stewart A. Alexander | | Greens condemn brazen brutality of LAPD by twirl | | Community Organizers Demand the Resignation of Chief Bratton by Jose X | | End LAPD Brutality: Remove LA Prosecutor Steve Cooley & Fire Bratton by Kelly McSwain | | Reportera de FOX TV registra un aviso con la ciudad de Los Angeles by H. Nelson Goodson | | FOX TV camerawoman files claim against City of Los Angeles and Police Department by H. Nelson Goodson | | AJLPP CONDEMNS POLICE BRUTALITY AGAINST IMMIGRANTS by AJLPP-USA
Reports with photos: Police Attack Peaceful May Day Rally by A | Police in Riot Gear, Nightsticks Ready at MacArthur Park by Lucy | | May Day 2007 Los Angeles by Kimberly King
Video: Telemundo tv news coverage by CSD | Video: Police Brutality in Los Angeles May Day Rally: Mac Arthur Park 2007 by Necalli Olin Tonatiuh
Photos: Cowardice Police Fire on Non-Violent May 1st Cultural Immigration Rally | | Police in Riot Gear, Nightsticks Ready at MacArthur Park | | may 1st & macarthur park by ahimsa | | May Day 2007 by William John Cox
NEW VIDEO: Alvarado (between 7th & Wilshire) Video - Police Attack | | Video: Police Attack Fleeing Demonstrators on Alvarado May 1 | | Fósforo plays 'Guerra' at MacArthur Park as police riot against immigrant families by schock | | Police Attack Fleeing Demonstrators on Alvarado May 1 by Attacked by Police
Police Attack May Day Demonstration.
LOS ANGELES, May 1, 2007 – An otherwise peaceful day of demonstrations throughout the city ended violently when the LAPD attacked the May Day march and rally in MacArthur Park today. A large rally numbering in the tens of 1,000s was driven from the park and the streets around the park. Families with young children were forced to flee as the police fired hundreds of rounds of rubber bullets into the crowd. There are reports of many injuries, including journalists with a TV news crew. Some have been hospitalized from their injuries. Witnesses report beatings with batons and many injuries from rubber bullets. The first incident of police violence occurred at Wilshire & Parkview when police drove a row of motorcycles head on into the march. A brief scuffle broke out but the situation was diffused. It was the incident at 7th and Alvarado that sparked the police attack, which resulted in the complete clearing of the park and scattered street fights with police in the neighboring area.
Audio from Kill Radio: Audio: Police disrupt event at Mac Arthur park
Photos of a peaceful demonstration before the police attack: May Day 2007 by William John Cox | | Los Angeles, May 1, 2007,The Great American Boycott II by Marcus | | May Day 2007 Los Angeles & May Day 2007 Los Angeles by Kimberly King
UPDATE & CORRECTION: Early reports of tear gas have not been substantiated. The firing of over 200 rounds of rubber bullets has been confirmed. In addition nine arrests have been reported. LA-IMC has received no reports as to the status of those arrested.
Here's the latest news into the LA-IMC newsroom as of 12:00 AM:
  • High school walkouts have been reported throughout the city at well over 50 different schools. Many other schools have been placed on lockdown.
  • The massive downtown march as started. Now estimated at 50,000+ and growing. Smaller feeder marches are steaming in from all directions into the downtown area.
  • Port workers are holding a rally in Banning Park near the harbor after forcing the Port authority to declare May Day a holiday thus closing the harbor.
  • Unconfirmed reports of a few arrests in the downtown area. Some students have been detained and returned to campuses. All events seem to be peaceful at this time. No reports of police violence.
  • 5:20 PM: The Police is trying to break up the march at 6th street and Park View. The people refuse to leave, each side standing face to face. The Lawyer's Guild of LA is negociating with the police for a compromise. There are still about 50,000 people at McArthur Park.
  • Update: 6:20 PM, The police has attacked the crowd at Alvarado and 7th street. Thousands of people are panicking and running away. The police is also firing rubber bullets into the crowd.
    Please see the newswire for more details.
  • The Migrant Trap, and the Migrants' Way Out: May 1, 2007
    On May 1st, 2007, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, will stand up to the anti-migrant tide, against the raids and deportations, against punitive and terroristic "immigration reform." Migrants and those with recent migrant roots, will emerge from invisible communities and underground economies to demand dignity and justice from a government that is offering only a choice between which oppression it will unleash on them. And they have an answer: stop the raids and deportations, and legalization for all immigrants now.
    The Migrant Trap, and the Migrants' Way Out: May 1, 2007 by Leslie Radford
    Downtown and Mid-Town Los Angeles will be the focal points for two marches and rallies in support of the immigrant workers.
    The first march will start at 12 noon. Immigration supporters will meet at Olympic and Broadway to march to Los Angeles City Hall.
    The second march will start at Vermont and Third Street at 3 PM.
    LOS ANGELES, April 29, 2007 - Hundreds of Mexican and "Central American" descent children marched through downtown Los Angeles Sunday afternoon to protest "racist immigration laws and racist deportations." The children and their families marched approximately four blocks, from Olvera Street to City Hall. The children -- the vast majority who are U.S. citizens due to the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution -- wore white t-shirts with the message "Legalize My Parents."
    The marchers arrived at City Hall whereupon several speakers demanded that children not be torn apart from their families through racist deportation tactics. One speaker read aloud the United Nations Declaration of Children's Rights, emphasizing that all children have the right to be with their parents
    From the Newswire:
    Children March Against Racist Deportations and Immigration Laws by Mexica Movement

    PORT OF AZTLAN, April 27, 2007--The independent truckers of the Port of Aztlan, working with the Industrial Workers of the World, made good on their promise to shut down the Los Angeles port on May 1, in support of nationwide migrants' rights protests scheduled for that day and the truckers' struggle to organize. This morning the Los Angeles Port Authority declared the port would be closed for a May 1 "holiday," thereby avoiding potential litigation from shippers facing dockers' and demurrage fees for goods left on the dock during the truckers' strike.
    Ernesto Nevarez, spokesperson for the truckers, explained, "[The Port Authority] knows the truckers are going to do it [strike] anyway. By calling it a legal holiday, they avoid liability for the shutdown. We forced them to recognize May Day." Full Story: Troqueros Declare Victory! by Leslie Radford
    After four years of litigation, heated community protests, and on-and-off-again settlement talks, Assi Super, Inc. owner Daniel Sung Chul Rhee and his former employees have agreed to settle the workers' class action lawsuit alleging unpaid overtime wages and racial discrimination and harassment for $1.475 million. Full Story:ASSI MARKET WORKERS WIN $1.475 MILLION SETTLEMENT
    LOS ANGELES - On Tuesday April 10, thirteen members of the Student Coalition Against Labor Exploitation (SCALE) were threatened with immediate suspension if they did not leave Bovard Hall just minutes after it closed to the public at 5pm. The letters even stipulated that the students would have to vacate their dorm rooms by 9am the following morning. The students were occupying the waiting room outside of President Steven B. Sample's office in an effort to force a meeting on USC's policies for contracting with apparel companies. Full Story: USC Student Activists Step up Pressure, Administration Responds In-Kind by Amy L. Dalton
    The Zell[ing] Out of the Baltimore Sun
    Sam Zell, a multibillionaire and "committed Zionist," will soon gain control of the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Baltimore Sun, and 23 TV stations. Zell, an AIPAC supporter, has promised he won't interfere with the news sections of any of the media outlets. I think he's another Mortimer B. Zuckerman of the NY Daily News, who pushed for the Iraqi War. America--prepare for a "Dark Age!"
    "The Press is Free, but for Whom? - Oswald Spengler
    Full report:
    The Zelling Out of the Baltimore Sun by William Hughes
    In the face of increasing repression against undocumented immigrants, specifically those of Latin American or Mexican descent who appear to be foreigners, FRENTE CONTRA LAS REDADAS/FRONT AGAINST THE RAIDS, a coalition of activists and organizations have formed to defend the people against increasing state police repression. They have put a call out for support from allies:
    "So, we are proposing is that EVERY organization, party, collective, non-profit...etc. who is against theses raids send a rep to the next FCR meeting. It is VERY important that we keep up this momemtum so that we can build a real social movement to end these redadas. We are ready to take action, we just need the back up of as many people and organizations as possible!!! Please send a rep and try to recruit more orgs/people that are committed to the struggle to end the racist migra raids!!!"
    Meeting is on Sunday the 15th. Click the title, or view the calendar for more information.
    Human activity on Earth is heating up the planet. The polar ice caps are melting and at the current rate will be gone before the end of the century. The rain forests, which have served for millions of years as a carbon sink for greenhouse gases, are being turned into barren deserts. Around the world there are over 40 different wars and civil conflicts. Many of these conflicts are directly related to the effects of global warming and the destruction of balanced ecosystems.
    In response various environmental groups have put out the call for a series of international days of demonstrations to raise awareness and to take action to halt the deterioration of the earth's environment.

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    Comment: It is strengthens my heart to see that LA Indymedia is really doing a fine job of reporting the REAL NEWS about what is REALLY HAPPENING since the corporate media controls the bulk of what ordinary people see about the daily news. In many ways, those who control the mass media control the minds of the masses and certainly mold public opinion. Many many times the people are given lies, distortions and false reactionary propaganda.
    We must continue in our daily efforts to fight for humane rights for all, see our common survival interests and see our common denominators.
    Educate to Liberate! ~Love, Peta

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