Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Reply: [PrisonMovement] Welcome New Members!!

Gracias Carol and Greetings to All ~ Thank you for taking the time to issue a welcome to your group. I belong to a couple of other related Yahoo groups online.
Online groups can help to educate others about prison conditions, combat the isolation experienced by prisoners and reduce recidivism. Plus, we can continue to network with others via the Internet worldwide!
Two of my Favorite Groups:
My main agenda is a humane rights agenda which is obvious by my online activity and local community activity.
We must integrate our theories with our practices by walking the talk, though, we should also help others to obtan computer literacy, get computers and come online.
Plus, there should be more prison bloggers wherein we get letters from prison and blog them {anonymous or not}.
We should always try to see the big global picture and see the 'prison movement' as a part of the whole humane rights movement on a world level. San Quentin prison here and secret U.S. prisons hidden outside the U.S.A. Border walls and border wars. It is all related.
Meanwhile, most decent Americans are sleep-walking and thinking we are in the best of all possible worlds.
In the end, all prison reform is relevant, but reform alone
is not enough. We should not even worry about what reactionary right-wing elements think about prison reform, but in our strategic thinking think more about the ultimate solution for all our social ills: a democratic-socialist
revolution! It's the whole economic system that must be called into question.
Why do people commit crimes? Why are there so many people in prison behind violations of drug laws, yet Afghanistan is the largest producer of heroin in the world. Didn't the U.S.A. liberate Afgan? Our enemies are profit motivated and their God is the dollar-sign.
All prison activists who are NOT in prison and out here in the general civilian population should come to understand exactly what we are dealing with in terms of the whole prison system under a mature scientific fascism that utilizes mass media to stay 'in power and secure'. We can help combat their mass lies with Internet Power.
The main jailer and gatekeeper is the Amerikan Empire.
Recall: "In order to create a united left, whose aim is the defense of political prisoners and prisoners in general, we must renounce the idea that all partricipants must be of one mind, and should work at the problem from a single party line or with a single part line or with a single method. The reverse of this is actually desirable. "From all according to bility."
"Each partisan, outside the vanguard elements, should work at radicalizing in the area of their natural environment, the places where they pursue their normal lives when not attednng the rallies and demonstrations. The vanguard elements {organized party workers of all ideological persuasions} should go among the people concentrated at the rally point with consciousness-raising strategy, promoting commitment and providing cncrete, clearly defined activity. The vanguard elemetns must search out people who can and will contribute to the building of the commune, the infrastructure with pen and clipboard in hand. For hose who aren't ready to take that step, a 'packet' of pamphlets should be provided for their education."Source: Blood In My Eye ~ George Jackson ~ Pg. 110-
I have my Group Membership set for Special Notices.

I am the Moderator for a few online groups, belong to others and would spend my life just passively reading and responding to a zillion Emails in my Email Box if I got all Messages from Groups. The real work that needs to be done is away from our computer out in the streets!
For example, I work with homeless addicts with a Christian group called CASA who seek progressive recovery from drug addiction and related character defects.
We meet at the local Salvation Army Homeless Shelter. Some of our members are fresh out of prison.
In our workshops we try to transform the prison mentality into a community-orientated mentality and promote continued spiritual growth.
CASA 12-Steps Program Blog
Venceremos Unidos! United We Will Win!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta de Aztlan
Sacramento, California, USA

Carol C P <jesus_saved2004@yahoo.com> wrote:
Thanks Carol
I must honestly say that each one of you is doing a wonderful job by carefully working for the betterment of the whole set-up. Keep it going. May the Lord continue to guide you and strengthen you.
God bless everyone.

Carol L <carolleo864@yahoo.com> wrote:
Welcome to all the new members in each of my groups!
I hope that by joining us, you will learn what the justice and prison systems in our nation are really like. What our incarcerated people must endure and go through. These topics are NOT pleasant by far-but joining us, you are helping to bring much needed awareness to a very crippled system. I thank you for your interest!
orangeribbin-smr.gif (11846 bytes) Carol Leonard
Prison Reform is NOT soft on crime
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