Thanks Dan E for the post and Blessings of Good Health to All ~
I will move it forward and along and post this to the Humane-Rights-Agenda Blog and elsewhere with others, including the Immigrant-Rights-Agenda Group:
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In connected reality, the growing Border War along the US and Mexican national territories will get far worse as times goes by as skirmishes will get more deadly. It is as predictable as nightfall. It is a real crisis! There‘s nothing phony about it. Get a grip, it’s already going on! Any surface phoniness is actually a calculated media blitz by US Fascism aimed at setting up and providing the paper-work documentation and rationalization for further military attacks along the US-Mexican Border against illegal ‘foreign’ immigrants in the name of ‘fighting terrorism’ ~ read anyone opposed to official US Foreign Policy ~ that the Amerikan Public will buy into with their tax dollars. The US Border Patrol and the neo-Minutemen along the Border are already buddies and fellow combatants.
The alleged Drug War ‘to keep our kids safe’ will be the cover story of U.S. Fascism to add to the thousands of American Citizens already in U.S. Prisons rotting away behind the so-called Drug War! Let us not forget that biggest suppliers of illegal dope run out of the Amerikan external colony of Afghanistan. And where oh where is wily Osama hiding?
Fuhrer Bush loves distractions from his own Evildoings. Understand that Fuhrer Bush is a modern-day fascist, mass Big Liar and knows the power of Mass Propaganda. The Bushwack Gang, operating out of the Oval Office Cabal, is tightening the noose around the necks of anyone opposed to US Foreign Policy. Opponents of the fascist-imperialist US Foreign Policy in the continental United States will be increasingly labeled as home-spun domestic terrorists in league with ‘the insurgents’ to help further justify Homeland Security measures and enhancements of the Patriot Act.
Main Entry: 1in·sur·gent
Pronunciation: -j&nt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin insurgent-, insurgens, present participle of insurgere to rise up, from in- + surgere to rise -- more at SURGE
1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent
2 : one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of one's own political party
Now is the time to ask: Are we insurgents?
Our Enemies are Fascist Fuhrer Bush, his Oval Office Cabal and all in league with their Evil multi-layered designs. Our Enemies hate the Truth, they hate us having Internet Access sharing information critical of them because they know that ultimately the truth is revolutionary and will call into question their even being ‘in power and secure’ as an unjust government.
We should revolt against an already unjust civil authority, the established government is already a rogue regime and the whole two-headed monster of the Democratic and Republican Parties duo-poly already acts contrary to our survival interests. We can be sure that there will be ‘collateral damage‘ on both sides of the US-Mexican Border as what is already happening in Iraq-nam. It is all connected. Are we rebellious insurgents against injustice, naïve innocent parties or are we accomplices to Evil designs? Each of us must decide, including the millions of Latino-brown faced U.S. Citizens already here in the brain of the beast! Let us surge forward!
Libertad O Muerte!
Peta de Aztlan, Native Insurgent
Email: sacranative@yahoo.com
Sacramento, Califas, Aztlan
P.S. The War in Iraq Costs: A running total of the U.S. taxpayer cost of the Iraq War number based on Congressional appropriations as of today 02-04-06 is already over:
http://nationalpriorities.org/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=182 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From today’s Washington Times via Mexico Daily: http://www.washtimes.com/national/20060203-111444-9836r.htm
Border task force seizes weapons cache in Texas
By Jerry Seper
February 4, 2006
Federal agents and local police assigned to a border security task force have seized two homemade bombs, material for 33 more, grenades, machine gun assembly kits and other weapons, drugs and cash in separate raids in Laredo, Texas.
The bombs and other paraphernalia are thought to belong to or be destined for rival drug cartels across the Rio Grande in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, where a brutal yearlong war over the control of drug and alien smuggling routes into the United States has raged.
More than 150 people -- including the police chief, a city councilman and 13 police officers -- have been killed in the Mexican border town over the last year.
"Keeping explosives and other high-powered weaponry out of the hands of violent criminal organizations is a central focus of the new Border Enforcement and Security Task Force," said Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Julie L. Myers, who heads U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
"As these seizures and arrests demonstrate, ICE is working day and night with its task force partners to stem the tide of violence that has been ravaging border communities in south Texas in recent months," said Mrs. Myers in announcing the seizures during a press conference in San Antonio.
The seizures occurred during separate raids on homes in Laredo over the past week by task force members from ICE; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; and the FBI, along with officers from the Laredo Police Department.
Seized were two completed bombs, material for 33 more, 300 primers, 3,880 rounds of ammunition, 5 grenade shells, 9 pipes with end caps, 26 grenade triggers, 31 grenade spoons, 40 grenade pins, 19 black powder casings, 91 firearm magazines, 4 silencers, 6 kits to assemble fully automatic weapons, 20 assembled firearms including AK-47s and AR-15s, two Uzi assault weapons, two bulletproof vests, sniper scopes, police scanners and pinhole cameras, along with other pistols and rifles.
Also found was cocaine, methamphetamine, 400 pounds of marijuana and $5,000 in cash.
The bombs were described by ICE officials as improvised explosive devices, the formal name for a homemade device often used in unconventional warfare by terrorists, guerrillas or commando forces. It usually consists of an explosive charge, a detonator and a mechanism either mechanical or electronic, known as the initiation system.
The task force, formerly known as "Operation Black Jack," is a Homeland Security-led, intelligence-driven operation created in Laredo in July to share information and target the leadership and supporting infrastructure of violent criminal organizations operating in the Laredo and Nuevo Laredo areas.
Since its inception, task force members have arrested 28 persons and seized 36 assault rifles, 10 handguns, 5 silencers, a large quantity of weapons components, kits, and ammunition, as well as roughly 700 pounds of marijuana, 336 pounds of cocaine, 1.5 pounds of methamphetamine and $1.14 million in cash.
Other task force members are from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Marshals Service and the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Last month, officials at Homeland Security said several new task forces would be created along the border based on the Laredo model, assigned the task of eliminating the top leadership and supporting infrastructures that sustain cross-border criminal organizations.
The next task force will begin operations in Arizona following the completion of a threat assessment of the area.
Much of the violence in Nuevo Laredo has been attributed by U.S. and Mexican authorities to a renegade band of Mexican military deserters known as the Zetas, who were trained in the U.S. as an elite force of anti-drug commandos. About 200 strong, they have since signed on as mercenaries for Mexican drug traffickers.
U.S.-Mexico operation nets drug kingpin
By Jerry Seper
February 4, 2006
U.S. drug agents working with Mexico's Agencia Federal de Investigaciones (AFI) have arrested a drug kingpin in Torreon Coahuila, Mexico.
Oscar Arturo Arriola-Marquez was arrested Thursday night by an elite drug force on charges of trafficking thousands of pounds of cocaine and marijuana into the U.S., and Mexican government officials seized $32 million in assets from what they called the Arriola-Marquez cartel.
"As a man complicit in the ruined lives of countless Americans, his arrest is a meaningful victory in this nation's battle against drugs," said Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Deputy Administrator Michele M. Leonhart.
"He was responsible for cocaine in American neighborhoods from Colorado to North Carolina, and his money laundering operation was one of the largest in the world."
Mrs. Leonhart said the Arriola-Marquez smuggling operation is known to have drug cells in Texas, Colorado, Missouri, New York, Illinois, North Carolina, Georgia and New Mexico.
On June 1, Arriola-Marquez was identified by President Bush as a foreign narcotics kingpin under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act.
The arrest of Arriola-Marquez was made by Agencia Federal de Investigaciones' specialized investigative unit, an elite drug enforcement section. His apprehension came after extensive surveillance operations led by the Mexican government with assistance from the DEA.
Arriola-Marquez was charged in December 2003 in an indictment returned in the U.S. District Court in Denver for conspiracy to import a controlled substance, conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance, money laundering, and aiding and abetting.
Mrs. Leonhart said a provisional arrest warrant was signed by the Mexican government and the United States will seek extradition. If convicted, Arriola-Marquez would face a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years in prison.
Dan Elliott <cuibono@rcip.com> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: SIUHIN@aol.com
To: Border01@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 4:06 PM
Subject: [isn] 2/1 U.S.-Mexico Border: The Phony Border "Crisis"
House panel probes border reports
Panel probes border reports
Authorities will give testimony
Sara A. Carter
February 1, 2006
Border law-enforcement officials and others were ordered this week to appear before a U.S. House committee on Tuesday to give testimony regarding Mexican military incursions into the United States.
Several members of the Committee on Homeland Security will be heading to El Paso, Texas, on Friday as part of a fact-finding mission.
Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the Homeland Security subcommittee on Investigations, is leading the group and will be in discussions throughout the day with local law-enforcement officials in the area.
"We are going down there to find out what happened," McCaul said Tuesday. "The reports I have received are very disturbing, and we cannot allow and cannot tolerate armed Mexican drug dealers to cross our borders and endanger the lives of our law-enforcement officers and citizens.
"Between this fact-finding mission and the hearing I am conducting next week, we can begin to understand what happened and address this dangerous crime."
Hudspeth County, Texas, Sheriff Arvin West, whose law-enforcement officers had an armed standoff with men dressed in Mexican military uniforms last week, said he is pleased congressional leaders are finally calling for an investigation.
West said he has been told to appear before the investigations subcommittee meeting Tuesday.
"There is no doubt in our minds that we confronted Mexican military personnel on the border," West said. "I'm not gratified that we had to back (the Congress) into a corner and carry video equipment instead of our guns to the operation."
West, who was at the scene of the Jan. 23 standoff 50 miles east of El Paso, said deputies were in pursuit of three sport utility vehicles scrambling to get back over the Rio Grande into Mexico. West said deputies were in a chase with speeds reaching 110 mph.
Men with Mexican military uniforms, vehicles and weapons were assisting those in civilian clothes, West added.
"This isn't the first time we've encountered the military," he said.
T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents nearly 6,500 border agents, said he also received a notice to testify in Washington.
"There's been some frustration on our part for years now just to get someone to listen," Bonner said. "We certainly welcome the hearings and hope the hearings bring to light the very illegal activities going on at our international border. Sadly, there seems to be a sense that (Mexico) is not willing to take on the same responsibility."
On Friday, members of the committee sent letters to top U.S. and Mexican officials requesting information regarding such incursions. Mexican soldiers have crossed into the United States more than 200 times in the past decade, according to Department of Homeland Security documents obtained by The Sun's sister newspaper in Ontario, the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin.
Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, could not be reached for comment, but he released a statement saying he also had requested that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff conduct an investigation. A letter also went to the Mexican ambassador to the United States, Carlos de
Icaza, seeking answers about the reported incursions.
"This is yet another example of the clear security problems we face along our southwest border," King wrote.
Committee member Mike Rogers, R-Ala., also commented in the statement.
"Reports of incursions and armed confrontations by Mexican military personnel make a mockery of our border security efforts," he wrote. "We need to know why this is happening and we need to know now."
Mexican officials did not comment Monday on the recent call for hearings but held firm to their original statement that Mexican soldiers are not involved in the incursions. Instead, Mexican officials suggest, drug smugglers or U.S. soldiers working for drug smugglers are to blame.
Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez, chairman of the Texas Sheriff's Border Coalition, said sheriffs from all 16 counties that the organization represents were called to testify before the committee.
El Paso County Sheriff Leo Samaniego said he has been in talks with congressional representatives and Mexican diplomats about the ongoing situation at the border and is concerned about the lives of his deputies.
"Most of the people who live on the border, who see what is going on, they think it's the Mexican army," Samaniego said. "Every time they see Mexican military personnel, a load of drugs is pushed through in those vehicles."
Residents along the Texas border are afraid, Samaniego said.
"Many times the cartels have threatened residents living on the border, forcing them to keep their gates open at night and confronting them in the yards," he said.
"There needs to be a congressional hearing. Our borders our wide open, and it is a national-security concern."
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