Saturday, February 11, 2006

Bolivian Gov Confirms Conspiracy: Prensa latina

La Paz, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) The Government of Bolivia has evidence of a destabilizing conspiracy by oil multinationals, which is under investigation, Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera said.

Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera reaffirmed denounces by President Evo Morales on conspiracy

During a visit to the eastern city of Santa Cruz, Garcia Linera said evidence is container in a classified preliminary report on the plot, which was denounced by President Evo Morales in a farmer assembly on Monday.

"State security bodies are making all necessary inquiries leading to clear up this denunciation," the Vice President said in the wake of right-wing and media attempts to discredit Morales" denunciation.

He added that evidence of the conspiracy will be revealed when deemed right by the government, which has requested support from social organizations to face these destabilizing efforts.

Garcia Linera also said that the plot, which was revealed to the President by the Armed Forces high command, is currently under secret investigation by security services, as it is a sensitive issue. The Executive is awaiting for a final report on the investigation.


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